Are You Where You Want To Be Financially?

This post is a little outside the parameters of Trading, but I do want to share what LiveOutLoud and Loral Langemeier are contributing to the entire money conversation.

I am inspired by what the LiveOutLoud Community are doing and love being a part of the success and inspiration that comes with involvement.  Hook into the value that is given away freely and you will see growth in yourself and your bank balance, whether it’s from trading or whatever else you do.

Wherever you are financially, take a look at this video.

Click Here To Check Out The Video



The Power of Trading With Intention

The power of intention is a huge advantage in trading. In fact, setting an intention for any area of your life will pay huge dividends and in currencies you never thought possible.

Trading is the perfect environment for intention setting.

The Stock Markets or in fact any of the trading markets, can be one of the most seemingly ‘unstable’ environments to be involved in and the constant changes and volatility can me you are emotionally reactive instead of being proactive. Leaving you feeling drained and ungrounded.

You may start each trading day feeling confident and in a really good ‘place’.

our open trade is showing a good profit and you feel comfortable about where you have your stop set, as you identified the risk based on your trading plan. And then, the market turned and you watched as the market started dropping and your trade was heading in the wrong direction with missile like precision towards your stop. Your solar plexus felt knotted and the adrenalin had kicked in, giving a feeling that was not pleasurable or wanted. You then tell yourself that it will probably trigger your stop and turn around and come back up. How would you feel then?

To ease the stress, you pushed the button to remove your stop.

Ahhhh – that feels better.

Then, instead of your anticipated turnaround, it continues on down. And down. And down.

If you had set an intention at the beginning of your day, you would more than likely have found that you where able to unconsciously stay focused on the intention you had set and not on the minute by minute fluctuations of the market and your emotions.

Exactly what does it mean to set an intention and how best can you do that?

Think about this intention: My intention today is to stay focused on my trading and stick to my trading plan no matter what the market may throw at me’.

The intention you set can be for a day or for a segment of your day, or a week or a month. In fact any time frame. Your intention be about what you want to focus on for that period. Some area of your trading or your life that you would like to improve.

An even more empowering way to set an intention is by placing a pre-supposition which pre supposes that you are already doing this and you will continue to do this. This is a powerful message for your unconscious mind and will be even more effective in doing this. The results will be stronger and more powerful.

So here is the new intention:

“How can I continue to stay focused on my trading and stick to my trading plan no matter what the market may throw at me’.

Now the intention is set, type or write it out and place it close by you. Every few hours take a look at your intention and read it – aloud if possible.

Have fun with it, don’t take it all too seriously but do try it. It can be very effective and try it also in other areas of your life.